Tag Archives: renungan

Proverb Problematique

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Life is a series of problems that forced us to be wiser and more mature. So many things can fill anyone’s mind, and though we tried to share it with friends, sometimes we still find it difficult to accept their suggestions, usually due to the different idealism.

That is one of the reason why a couple of days ago, I decided to ‘renovate’ my Twitter account and made a new list called ‘QUOTES.’ A bunch of inspiring quotes that mostly gave me a brighter and deeper understanding of life. Sometimes they even managed to provide courage that will help me take certain actions that I never thought possible. I said to myself, “this personally-made list of wonderful words is going to make me more confident in making decisions and finding answers.”

Until I realize that I was WRONG.

I was in the middle of a big, life-changing decision on whether to fast-tracking things that involved many risks, or to be more patient and work harder towards my dream. Should I be pushy, or should I wait and prepare things better?

And you know what, there are enormous quotes about risks and the importance of being courageous. But at the same time, there are also other quotes telling me to accept the fact that there are no shortcuts to one’s dream, and hard work is the only key. I realized that even the most inspiring quotes can sometimes be contradictory, thus my question on courage vs. patient, remains to be an unsolved dilemma.

I know now, that quotes are only good in strengthening our own idealism. But we must never put our life in their hands, or use it as the answers to our problems. I still enjoy scrolling through my ‘quotes‘ list on Twitter each morning, it gave me inspirations and enlightenment, and still share/retweeted some that were in accordance to my beliefs. But I have learned my lesson, that those quotes are NOT a life-guidance tool that can determine what’s best for you.

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